09 janeiro 2017

In the Center of Spiral Galaxy NGC 5033

What's happening in the center of spiral NGC 5033? Many things -- some circular, some energetic, and some not well understood. NGC 5033 is known as a Seyfert galaxy because of the great activity seen in its nucleus. Bright stars, dark dust, and interstellar gas all swirl quickly around a galactic center that appears slightly offset from a supermassive black hole. This offset is thought to be the result of NGC 5033 merging with another galaxy sometime in the past billion years. The featured image was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2005. NGC 5033 spans about 100,000 light years and is so far away that we see it only as it existed about 40 million years ago.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2iVpWxX
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“The difficulty of ruling over a diverse nation,” a 1578...

“The difficulty of ruling over a diverse nation,” a 1578 engraving by Antwerp-based artist Pieter van der Borcht the Elder.

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Mistério envolve ‘Stonehenge’ da Amazônia

Acredita-se que uma civilização antiga tenha construído pedras eretas na floresta há mais de 1.000 anos.

A ideia de que a Amazônia permaneceu quase intocada pela civilização humana, exceto pelas atividades de algumas tribos nômades, foi questionada após a descoberta de um monumento de pedra megalítica no Brasil.

Pensado para ter algo em torno de mil anos, estas pedras eretas parecem ter sido erigidas por uma civilização que viveu na região séculos antes dos europeus chegarem na cena.

Isto, juntamente com a recente descoberta de esculturas de terra, assentamentos fortificados e redes rodoviárias complexas, sugeriu que a Amazônia pode ter sido lar de mais de 10 milhões de pessoas.

“Estamos começando a reconstruir o quebra-cabeça da história humana da Bacia Amazônica, e o que encontramos no Amapá é absolutamente fascinante”, disse a arqueóloga Mariana Cabral.

O monumento foi descoberto por Lailson Camelo da Silva, um capataz que tropeçou nas pedras enquanto removia árvores para converter uma área de floresta tropical em pasto.

“Eu não tinha ideia de que eu estava descobrindo o Stonehenge da Amazônia”, disse ele.

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Scott Bonn Interview

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A ceremonial knife, or tumi, from Peru’s northern coast’s...

A ceremonial knife, or tumi, from Peru’s northern coast’s Sican-Chimu cultures, circa 750 to 1470 CE

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January 9th 1914: Phi Beta Sigma foundedOn this day in 1914, Phi...

January 9th 1914: Phi Beta Sigma founded

On this day in 1914, Phi Beta Sigma - one of the first predominantly African-American fraternities - was founded at Howard University, Washington D.C. Founded by three black students called A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse, and Charles I. Brown, the Greek letter fraternity was intended to exemplify brotherhood, scholarship, and service through translating the members’ skills into practical services to the wider community. The founders also desired their fraternity to promote inclusivity, rather than seeing itself as apart from the general university community. While not the first black fraternity, it was one of the most successful, expanding to other American campuses, organising youth mentoring clubs, and establishing chapters abroad in Africa. Its sister sorority - Zeta Phi Beta - was established in 1920 at Howard University. While Phi Beta Sigma is majority African-American, it also includes members of Caucasian, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian descent.

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Breaking Boundaries in New Engine Designs

In an effort to improve fuel efficiency, NASA and the aircraft industry are rethinking aircraft design.

from NASA http://ift.tt/2i907Go
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VISIT –> http://ift.tt/1I23Mhk to read ‘Psychology As The Behaviorist Views It’ in full for free.

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