02 junho 2015

Polaris and Comet Lovejoy

One of these two bright sky objects is moving. On the right is the famous star Polaris. Although only the 45th brightest star in the sky, Polaris is famous for appearing stationary. Once you find it, it will always appear in the same direction -- all night and all day -- for the rest of your life. This is because the northern spin pole of the Earth -- called the North Celestial Pole -- points near Polaris. On the left, about ten million times closer, is Comet Lovejoy, which noticeably changes its sky position by the hour. The featured image was taken last week. Officially designated C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy), this disintegrating snowball is on a visit from the outer Solar System and will only appear near the North Star for a few more weeks. That should be long enough, however, for northerners with binoculars or a small telescope to see the greenish coma of this fleeting newcomer, perhaps with the help of a good star map.

from NASA http://ift.tt/1dbap6t
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How your eyes betray your thoughts According to the old...

How your eyes betray your thoughts

According to the old saying, the eyes are windows into the soul, revealing deep emotions that we might otherwise want to hide. Although modern science precludes the existence of the soul, it does suggest that there is a kernel of truth in this saying: it turns out the eyes not only reflect what is happening in the brain but may also influence how we remember things and make decisions.

Our eyes are constantly moving, and while some of those movements are under conscious control, many of them occur subconsciously. When we read, for instance, we make a series of very quick eye movements called saccades that fixate rapidly on one word after another. When we enter a room, we make larger sweeping saccades as we gaze around. Then there are the small, involuntary eye movements we make as we walk, to compensate for the movement of our head and stabilise our view of the world. And, of course, our eyes dart around during the ‘rapid eye movement’ (REM) phase of sleep.

What is now becoming clear is that some of our eye movements may actually reveal our thought process.

Research published last year shows that pupil dilation is linked to the degree of uncertainty during decision-making: if somebody is less sure about their decision, they feel heightened arousal, which causes the pupils to dilate. This change in the eye may also reveal what a decision-maker is about to say: one group of researchers, for example, found that watching for dilation made it possible to predict when a cautious person used to saying ‘no’ was about to make the tricky decision to say ‘yes’.

Watching the eyes can even help predict what number a person has in mind. Tobias Loetscher and his colleagues at the University of Zurich recruited 12 volunteers and tracked their eye movements while they reeled off a list of 40 numbers.

They found that the direction and size of the participants’ eye movements accurately predicted whether the number they were about to say was bigger or smaller than the previous one – and by how much. Each volunteer’s gaze shifted up and to the right just before they said a bigger number, and down and to the left before a smaller one. The bigger the shift from one side to the other, the bigger the difference between the numbers.

This suggests that we somehow link abstract number representations in the brain with movement in space. But the study does not tell us which comes first: whether thinking of a particular number causes changes in eye position, or whether the eye position influences our mental activity. In 2013, researchers in Sweden published evidence that it’s the latter that may be at work: eye movements may actually facilitate memory retrieval.

They recruited 24 students and asked each one to carefully examine a series of objects displayed to them in one corner of a computer screen. The participants were then told to listen to a series of statements about some of the objects they had seen, such as “The car was facing to the left” and asked to indicate as quickly as possible if each was true or false. Some participants were allowed to let their eyes roam about freely; others were asked to fix their gaze on a cross at the centre of the screen, or the corner where the object had appeared, for example.

The researchers found that those who were allowed to move their eyes spontaneously during recall performed significantly better than those who fixed on the cross. Interestingly, though, participants who were told to fix their gaze in the corner of the screen in which objects had appeared earlier performed better than those told to fix their gaze in another corner. This suggests that the more closely the participants’ eye movements during information encoding corresponded with those that occurred during retrieval of the information, the better they were at remembering the objects. Perhaps that’s because eye movements help us to recall the spatial relationships between objects in the environment at the time of encoding.

These eye movements can occur unconsciously. “When people are looking at scenes they have encountered before, their eyes are frequently drawn to information they have already seen, even when they have no conscious memory of it,” says Roger Johansson, a psychologist at Lund University who led the study.

Watching eye movements can also be used to nudge people’s decisions. One recent study showed – maybe worryingly – that eye-tracking can be exploited to influence the moral decisions we take.

Researchers asked participants complex moral questions such as “Can murder ever be justified?” and then displayed, on a computer screen, alternative answers (“sometimes justifiable” or “never justifiable”). By tracking the participants’ eye movements, and removing the two answer options immediately after a participant had spent a certain amount of time gazing at one of the two options, the researchers found that they could nudge the participants to provide that particular option as their answer.

“We didn’t give them any more information,” says neuroscientist Daniel Richardson of University College London, senior author of study. “We simply waited for their own decision-making processes to unfold and interrupted them at exactly the right point. We made them change their minds just by controlling when they made the decision.”

Richardson adds that successful salespeople may have some insight into this, and use it to be more persuasive with clients. “We think of persuasive people as good talkers, but maybe they’re also observing the decision-making process,” he says. “Maybe good salespeople can spot the exact moment you’re wavering towards a certain choice, and then offer you a discount or change their pitch.”

The ubiquity of eye-tracking apps for smartphones and other hand-held devices raises the possibility of altering people’s decision-making process remotely. “If you’re shopping online, they might bias your decision by offering free shipping at the moment you shift your gaze to a particular product.”

Thus, eye movements can both reflect and influence higher mental functions such as memory and decision-making, and betray our thoughts, beliefs, and desires. This knowledge may give us ways of improving our mental functions – but it also leaves us vulnerable to subtle manipulation by other people.

“The eyes are like a window into our thought processes, and we just don’t appreciate how much information might be leaking out of them,” says Richardson. “They could potentially reveal things that a person might want to suppress, such as implicit racial bias.”

“I can see eye-tracking apps being used for, say, supportive technologies that figure out what phone function you need and then help out,” he adds, “but if they’re left on all the time they could be used to track all sorts of other things. This would provide much richer information, and raises the possibility of unwittingly sharing our thoughts with others.”


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baja california, photographed by goes 15, 1st june 2015.the baja...

baja california, photographed by goes 15, 1st june 2015.

the baja peninsula runs southwest for 1,200 km, separated from the mainland by the gulf of california. the pacific ocean lies to the south and west. notice clouds forming on the the coastal mountains of mexico, the sierra madre occidental.

25 frames over 7 hours.

image credit: noaa/nasa. animation: ageofdestruction.

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Novidade! Criei um canal no youtube

Oi gente, criei um canal no youtube onde vou ensinar várias técnicas de artesanato. 
Já coloquei algumas aulas para iniciantes no crochê e em breve vou colocar aulas de ponto cruz, pintura em tecido, bordado livre etc. 
Faça uma visitinha, vou ficar super feliz se gostarem e se inscreverem  no meu canal para receber as novidades, o Canal chama-se:
 Artesanatofofo Aulas e Dicas , 
para dar uma olhadinha é só clicar AQUI

via @notiun

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Conheça os segredos da felicidade

Qual é o segredo da felicidade? Descubra agora!

Você é feliz? O que falta na sua vida para que você se considere completamente feliz? Vou dar um palpite e depois me fale se acertei ou não. Aceitação. Não? Calma, deixa eu explicar. Segundo pesquisas, depois de um tempo, uma pessoa que ganhou na loteria e uma que ficou paraplégicas são igualmente felizes. Duvída? Mas é verdade, pois cada uma delas adaptou sua rotina e seu estilo a sua nova realidade e encontraram os segredos da felicidade.

O nosso cérebro possui uma capacidade maravilhosa e pouco utilizada. A de sintetizar a felicidade. Isso significa que podemos ficar felizes mesmo quando não conseguimos o que queríamos. Sabe quando não consegue um emprego e logo depois surge outra oportunidade e você pensa: "Ainda bem que aquela entrevista deu errado!"? É disso que estou falando, é ficar satisfeito com o que temos no momento.

Na hora, uma frustração nos parece devastadora. Perder um emprego, não entrar na faculdade que queríamos, por exemplo. A não ser que seja algo realmente terrível, pesquisas mostram que esse sentimento ruim dura menos do que esperamos e que cerca de três meses depois, podemos ver que ele interfere muito pouco em nossa vida presente. Você não entrou naquela faculdade, mas está em uma com um professor incrível, que te indica em um trabalho legal. Você foi mandada embora e descobriu que quer mudar de carreira.

Tudo é oportunidade de crescimento e alegria. Só precisamos treinar nosso olhar, nossa mente e nosso coração e enxergar o copo meio cheio. O que você tem é ótimo! É o que você precisa. Isso não quer dizer que não devemos lutar pelos nossos sonhos, mas que não devemos ser dominadas por eles. Quando temos ambição na medida certa, trabalhamos com vontade e determinação. Quando ela cresce demais, partimos para a agressividade, passamos por cima dos outros e caímos em armadilhas, como fazer coisas ilegais. O equilíbrio é um dos segredos da felicidade.

Então, o meu segredo da felicidade é: lute pelo que você quer, mas aceite o que não pode mudar. Parece simples, e é, mas é preciso de esforço no começo. Para ajudar, quero compartilhar a oração da serenidade, que ajuda a trazer esse olhar novo para o mundo a nossa volta.

Segredo da felicidade - oração da serenidade


Conceda-me a serenidade
Para aceitar aquilo que não posso mudar,
A coragem para mudar o que me for possível
E a sabedoria para saber discernir entre as duas.
Vivendo um dia de cada vez,
Apreciando um momento de cada vez,
Recebendo as dificuldades como um caminho para a paz,
Aceitando este mundo cheio de pecados como ele é, assim como fez Jesus, e não como gostaria que ele fosse;
Confiando que o Senhor fará tudo dar certo
Se eu me entregar à Sua vontade;
Pois assim poderei ser razoavelmente feliz nesta vida
E supremamente feliz ao Seu lado na outra. Amém."

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Descubra o ritual para atrair prosperidade

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Como lidar com a timidez?

Descubra aqui como lidar com a timidez

Existem pessoas que são naturalmente extrovertidas e outras que preferem ficar mais quietinhas, no seu canto. Todos os traços de personalidade são legítimos e precisam ser respeitados. Mas existem momentos em que precisamos nos destacar, falar em público, liderar algum projeto e travamos. Por isso, separamos algumas dicas para você aprender como lidar com a timidez!

Vivemos em um mundo em que o tímido é mal visto, mas isso não tem nada a ver. O que pode acontecer é que se não sabemos como lidar com a timidez, ela pode nos atrapalhar em momentos importantes como uma apresentação, uma entrevista de emprego ou até para conhecer um novo amor. Nessas horas, algumas dicas são válidas para driblar a insegurança e alcançar o sucesso.

Aprenda como lidar com a timidez

Compreenda de onde vem sua timidez. Você sempre foi assim ou aconteceu algo quando era pequena que te deixou mais fechada? Essa informação é importante para conhecer a complexidade do sentimento. Se for muito difícil encontrar o motivo, procure ajuda de um terapeuta.

Conheça seus pontos fortes. Com certeza você é boa em alguma coisa, então trabalhe essa área na sua vida. Você vai ver como sua autoestima vai crescer e se sentirá mais confiante em todos os momentos.

Preste atenção a respiração. Faça exercícios de respiração antes de entrar na situação que te aflige. Feche os olhos, inspire lentamente e expire pelo nariz ainda mais devagar. A expiração deve durar mais que a inspiração. Faça isso por 3 a 7 minutos.

Não fuja de olhares. Quando for andar na rua, olhe as pessoas nos olhos e cumprimente-as. Se for difícil, comece pelo porteiro do prédio, o guarda da rua e depois, vá cumprimentando quem passar. É um exercício simples que rompe barreiras.

Faça atividades novas. Chame uma amiga e se inscreva em uma aula de dança ou de línguas. Saia da rotina e veja as oportunidades que aparecem.

Faça teatro. Você vai pensar: "Está louca? Eu nunca vou me apresentar em um palco!" E não é isso que estou sugerindo. Muitas escolas de teatro oferecem cursos para não atores, com exercícios corporais, de impostação de voz, respiração e jogos em grupos que ajudam a soltar o corpo e relaxar. Com o tempo, você vai conseguir aplicar essas técnicas no trabalho, nas festas e em casa. 

Respeite-se. Se não se sente a vontade para fazer algo, pense bem porque isso está acontecendo e, se sentir melhor, não faça no momento. Não adianta nada ter uma crise de pânico só para cumprir uma meta. Isso só vai te deixar mais assustada para a próxima vez.

Essas são algumas dicas que podem ajudar a lidar com a timidez. Se preferir, use terapias alternativas como cromoterapia e aromaterapia para despertar a sua confiança interior. Você é capaz e merece ter tudo do melhor!

Veja também:

Descubra os benefícios da cromoterapia

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Faça uma oração contra inimigos e sinta-se protegida

Taróloga ensina uma forte oração contra inimigos

Fazemos tudo certo em nossa vida. Trabalhamos, cuidamos da família, somos justas, mas às vezes as coisas simplesmente não funcionam como deveriam, não é verdade? Sabia que pode ser que exista alguém que quer o seu mal e faz tudo para atrapalhar o seu caminho? Por isso, sempre é bom fazer uma oração contra inimigos.

Nessas horas não adianta brigar, colocar contra a parede ou tentar descobrir quem é que deseja o seu mal, pois pode ser quem menos esperamos. O ideal é buscar a ajuda divina para se proteger. Uma oração ou um salmo são capazes de afastar qualquer inimigo que queira atrasar a sua vida.

A Vanessa Friggo é taróloga do Astrocentro e, em casos de proteção contra inimigos, ela tem uma dica importante: O salmo 91, segundo ela, é o mais indicado, pois funciona como uma verdadeira barreira contra o mal. Sempre que se sentir vulnerável ou insegura, volte-se para ele e veja sua confiança voltar.

Oração contra inimigos

1 Tu que habitas sob a proteção do Altíssimo,
que moras à sombra do Onipotente,

2 Dize ao Senhor: "Sois meu refúgio
e minha cidadela,
meu Deus em que eu confio".

3 É ele quem te livrará do laço do caçador,
e da peste perniciosa.

4 Ele te cobrirá com suas plumas;
sob suas asas encontrará refúgio.
Sua fidelidade te será um escudo
de proteção.

5 Tu não temerás os terrores noturnos,
nem a flecha que voa à luz do dia,

6 nem a peste que se propaga nas trevas,
nem o mal que grassa ao meio-dia.

7 Caiam mil homens à tua esquerda
e dez mil à tua direita:
tu não serás atingido.

8 Porém verás com teus próprios olhos,
contemplarás o castigo dos pecadores,

9 porque o Senhor é teu refúgio.
Escolheste, por asilo, o Altíssimo.

10 Nenhum mal te atingirá,
nenhum flagelo chegará à tua tenda,

11 porque aos seus anjos ele mandou
que te guardem em todos os teus caminhos.

12 Eles te sustentarão em suas mãos,
para que não tropeces em alguma pedra.

13 Sobre serpente e víbora andarás,
calcarás aos pés o leão e o dragão.

14 "Pois que se uniu a mim, eu o livrarei;
e o protegerei, pois conhece o meu nome.

15 Quando me invocar, eu o atenderei;
na tribulação estarei com ele.
Hei de livrá-lo e o cobrirei de glória.

16 Será favorecido de longos dias,
e mostrar-lhe-ei a minha salvação."

Conseguiu sentir todo o poder dessa oração contra inimigos? Então imprima e ande com ela na bolsa, para sempre ter a quem recorrer nos momentos de aflição.

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scienceyoucanlove: This door handle kills germsUV light,...


This door handle kills germs

UV light, powered by the door’s movement, triggers the microbe-killing power of the handle’s coating



PITTSBURGH, Pa. — Diseases spread in many ways. An infected person can cough or sneeze on someone nearby. Or, they can transfer germs through a handshake. But sometimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick person might leave behind bacteria or viruses when they touch a doorknob, handrail, shopping cart handle or countertop. Anyone else who touches that surface may pick up the microbes. But what if those surfaces could disinfect themselves?

Two teens from Hong Kong asked themselves the same question. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can knock out germs on contact.

The concept is simple. Every time the door is opened, the movement creates power that triggers a germ-killing reaction on the handle. In lab tests, their system killed about 99.8 percent of the germs that they spread onto lab dishes coated with their material.

Research by others has shown that door handles in public areas often host lots of bacteria and viruses, notes 17-year-old Sum Ming (“Simon”) Wong. The tenth grader attends Church of Christ in China Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School in Tuen Mun, China. He and schoolmate Kin Pong (“Michael”) Li, 18, wanted to design a coating for door handles that would be hostile to germs.

After doing some research, they learned that a mineral called titanium dioxide is known to kill bacteria. It’s already used for other purposes in many products, from paints to sunscreens to edible puddings. To make their coating, the teens ground the mineral into a very fine powder.

Titanium dioxide kills bacteria best when lit by ultraviolet (UV) light, says Simon. UV wavelengths are among those in sunlight. But indoor handles and any used at night would have little natural exposure to UV light. So the teens are lighting their door handle from within. Now, every part of the coated handle will see UV light.

To make sure the interior light reaches the coated surface, the teens fashioned their door handle from a long cylinder of clear glass. Each end fits into a bracket. Inside one of the brackets is a strong light-emitting diode (LED). It emits UV light. (Transmitting the light from one end of the handle to the other is similar to the transmission of light through a fiber-optic cable. In this case, though, the glass handle is fat rather than super-thin.)

And here’s the nifty part: The power that makes the UV light shine comes from opening and closing the door. Simon and Michael designed a small gearbox that attaches to the door. Equipment inside the box converts the motion of those gears into electrical power. That power is then carried by wire to the light-emitting diode inside the door handle.

The teens presented details of their research here at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. This event was created by the Society for Science and the Public (which also publishes Science News for Students). The annual competition is sponsored by Intel. This year, it brought 1,702 finalists to Pittsburgh in mid-May from more than 70 countries.

The door handle system, Michael and Simon say, might cost no more than about $13 to build.

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One of the oldest examples of poetic literature in the world,...

One of the oldest examples of poetic literature in the world, the “Lament for Ur” is a dirge for the destroyed city, written by the earliest kings of the Isin dynasty, who wished to rebuild it. Ur had fallen to the Elamites, which was the end of the city’s third dynasty. The purpose of the poetry was to calm the angered, anguished soul of the god of Ur. Only then could they commence rebuilding efforts. In the lament, the goddess Ningal weeps for her city after pleading with the god Enlil to call back a destructive storm. There are other sections, sprinkled throughout, describing the ghost town Ur has become, calling on the moon god Nanna for protection, and describing the destructive storm of Enlil that destroyed the city. Ningal, who incidentally is wife of the moon god Nanna, goes on to recall her petition to the leaders of the gods, An and Enlil, to change their minds and not to destroy Ur. But the council of gods decided that Ur’s third dynasty, though it ruled for a thousand years, was deserving of their prophesied fate. The city was allowed to be destroyed by the Elamites. The lament seems particularly concerned with all the shrines and temples destroyed – perhaps to appease or honor as many gods as possible? The destruction of Ur is reported to Enlil, and his consort Ninlil, who are praised and exalted at the end of the Lament for Ur. This ancient poetry dates to 2000 BCE

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Shadow of Surveyor 1 on the Moon

Surveyor 1, the first of the Surveyor missions to make a successful soft landing, proved the validity of the spacecraft's design and landing technique. In addition to transmitting more than 11,000 pictures, Surveyor sent information on the bearing strength of the lunar soil, the radar reflectivity and temperature.

from NASA http://ift.tt/1I9sRr5
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Você já sorriu Hoje?

Você já sorriu hoje? Visite-nos: http://ift.tt/1I23gTE

Posted by Mensagens da Manhã on Quarta, 22 de outubro de 2014
Você já sorriu hoje? Compartilhe com os amigos no Facebook.
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Birth Place and Life Expectancy: A Look at American Cities

Birth Place and Life Expectancy: A Look at American Cities:


The Washington D.C. metro area was ranked America’s fittest this year by the American Fitness Index. But suburbanites there can expect to live 7 years longer than those born in the District. Check out these maps for the life expectancy in major US cities. 

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What Do You Know About Utah?

Besides that there’s lots of Mormons and a weirdly salty lake, I didn’t know that much either. So here’s a facts list:

  1. Utah’s Great Salt Lake is about 4 times saltier than any of the world’s oceans. About 41% evaporates each year!
  2. The name “Utah” is derived from the name of the Ute Native American tribe. The name means “people of the mountains.”
  3. In 1824, Jim Bridger was the first Caucasian person to see the Great Salt Lake. He initially thought he had found the Pacific Ocean because it was so salty, but soon realized it was a giant salt lake.
  4. During the Utah War (1857–1858), over 120 unarmed settlers, including women and children, were murdered by a group of Mormon militiamen. The militia initially claimed Native Americans killed the settlers. The motives behind the massacre remain unclear.
  5. Approximately 62% of Utahans are Mormons, or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Utah is the most homogeneous state in the nation in terms of religion.
  6. The state is home to the country’s first department store, Zions Co-operative Mercantile Institution. Today it is known as ZCMI.
  7. Polygamy was practiced in Utah until it was banned in 1890 as a condition of being granted statehood.
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June 2nd 1924: Indian Citizenship ActOn this day in 1924, the...

The White House ceremony for the act - Coolidge with Indian representatives

Calvin Coolidge (1872 - 1933)

Indian Citizenship Act

June 2nd 1924: Indian Citizenship Act

On this day in 1924, the Indian Citizenship Act was signed into law by President Calvin Coolidge. This act, proposed by Representative Homer Snyder (R - NY), conferred citizenship on all Native Americans born in the United States. After decades of brutal Indian warfare, the 1870s had seen an attempt to establish a Peace Policy, which intended to start Native Americans on a route to citizenship. However, indigenous Americans were explicitly excluded from national citizenship in the Fourteenth Amendment of 1868. Several developments were made towards citizenship in the next few decades, including being extended to Native American World War One veterans in 1919. Despite the passage of the 1924 act, many Native Americans continued to be denied suffrage until 1948.

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The most predictable disaster in the history of the human race

The most predictable disaster in the history of the human race:


An article about the threat of infectious diseases and pandemics in a world filled with inadequate response capabilities.

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